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A new study has revealed an isolation epidemic throughout the UK, with 29% of the British population claiming they feel lonely often or some of the time.

"A crisis of Belonging revealed"

A ground-breaking new poll of 10,000 Brits examines social isolation and how to foster a sense of belonging in the UK

Loneliness of renting revealed in new poll

Just 43% of renters (including private, local authority, and housing authority) say they know their neighbours, compared to 69% of those who own their homes outright.

Hexham residents have the highest life satisfaction in the UK

According to the survey, a significant 40% of residents reported their satisfaction with their lives is at an eight or higher out of 10.

Scotland’s loneliest area revealed and its part of major city

Despite it being the largest city in the country, 17 per cent of residents in the area reported having no close friends.

Founder of the Belonging Forum says poll suggests there are ‘real issues’ in London with social connection.

Founder of the Belonging Forum says poll suggests there are ‘real issues’ in London with social connection.

Britain’s disability shame as two in five feel lonely, landmark poll reveals

Rob Virtue highlights that 40% of people living with disabilities experience loneliness, evidencing data released by the Belonging Forum.

If this is how Britain treats Kate, no wonder so many young women are struggling

Camilla Tominey examines research from the Belonging Forum which shows that women just starting out in their adult lives are feeling almost twice as lonely as the general population.

We're running a risky cognitive experiment on our own kids

In Psychology Today, Kim Samuel argues that our society needs a fundamental rethink about the role or screen time and social media in our children's lives

Let's rediscover the love for our communities this February 14th

Kim Samuel writes about re-discovering the love for our communities on Valentine’s Day.